Go Pro Mountain Games are just around the corner!

Here is a parallel that might make you uncomfortable. If you have ever done a casting competition, you probably could be a VERY decent ribbon twirler.  That said, the GoPro games are now accepting applicants for the 2014 One Fly Casting Competition.


My Aunt Nancy came all the way from St. Louis and watched me compete in 2012. Here is a video link if you want to know what it’s like:  GoProComp

Aunt Nancy at the Go Pro Games

Katie Fiedler-Anderson

Katie has been guiding for trout since 2008. Prior to fishing, she worked as a raft guide and video kayaker for several years. When she is not on the river, Katie works as a local EMT. Facilitating fun in the outdoors is her passion in life! Follow Katie on Instagram @katie.fiedler.anderson and check out her You Tube Channel to join the fun!

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